Burjeel CME Pogram - August 16, 2022

Burjeel Hospital CME Program promoted the continued professional development of physicians and healthcare professionals in order to deliver the safest, highest quality and most effective patient care. The CME planning committee conducted appropriate assessments of a learner’s needs and develops effective strategies to enhance physician performance in patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, professionalism, and systems-based practice. Burjeel CME Committee believes that learning, rather than teaching, initiates changes and improvements in practice. Burjeel CME Program is committed to quality and patient safety and to fostering an educational continuum to encourage and stimulate physicians as lifelong learners, which will enable quality, patient safety and the most effective patient care. All Burjeel Interactive CME activities were planned and implemented based on a multifactorial needs assessment. Selection of educational design and methods was based on identified needs, content, educational objectives, activity evaluation and outcomes assessment strategies which includes, the possible methodologies that have demonstrated effectiveness in changing physician behavior and improving health care outcomes.